Do you listen to your gut feelings?

It took a while for me to admit that I was intuitive.  More like years.

I have a close friend who is in the metaphysical world.  She believed that I had intuition skills.   I wasn’t at a place in my life to explore it.  I had just delivered my son and my husband was starting up his law firm.   That left me as the main provider.  I had a job that I loved, made decent money with fantastic benefits.  Why change anything?

My friend and I attended a Mind, Body, Spirt Expo in Brooklyn Park, MN.  She asked and I thought it would be fun and something different to do.  It was fun.  I had a reading bought some candles and crystals.  I also met Sandy. (More about that later).

Back to life as usual.  Had great memories of a fantastic day out.

Life went on as normal with the exception of a couple of things I wish I would have listened to my gut.

1.     My Dad had cancer.  He was admitted to the hospital because he had some type of seizure.  He was alert and talking and appeared to be recovering.  We had some test results due for our son so we went home.  I had a feeling that I would not talk to my Dad again.  I didn’t.  He had a stroke overnight and passed away a few days later.

2.     My husband and I were ready to move into a larger home.  We listed the house and eventually sold it.  We found a beautiful home to purchase, made an offer and it was accepted.  Everything was perfect until I had a bad feeling in my gut.  It told me not to buy the bigger house and stay where we are.  I did not want to disappoint my husband so I decided not to say anything.  We closed on the new house.  The housing market collapsed a month later.  We took a financial beating which we haven’t completely recovered from.

Maybe there is something to this intuition thing.  This brings me back to Sandy.  My friend and Sandy knew each other from a Yoga class.  I contacted Sandy and hired her as my mentor.  We worked together for several years with individual mentoring, group mentoring, and retreats.  I learned how to develop, embrace and use my intuition.

I love what I do by serving others by answering questions, addressing their concerns, and giving them reflection and direction with the information received from spirit.